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You might be a farmer if...

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

You might be a farmer if the contents of the lint catcher in your dryer looks like toy bale of hay.

You might be farmer if you stop along the road to pick up a five gallon bucket even though you have 50 at home already. You can never have too many buckets.

You might be a farmer if you go to the local appliance store to buy a new washing machine and the owner says, "You need this heavy duty machine because we know how dirty your clothes get."

You might be a farmer if you keep an appliance box handy all winter long in case you have to bring a newborn (calf, goat, sheep, pig, etc.) into the house to warm it up.


You might be a farmer if you pick out a car based on how many bags of feed you can get in the trunk.

Girl drinking clover tea

You might be a farmer if you have more pictures of farm animals on your phone than you do of your kids. (This is one of our oldest trying clover tea.)

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